44. Being A Professional Mom
Aug 15, 2022"Were you taught to be all you were born to be?
Mandy Tyrer is a professional mom, self-defense trainer and principal of a South African school that started 10yrs ago with just 3 students in her cottage.
In this episode of the Power Of Being You podcast, guest host and Being You Facilitator, Samantha Lewis chats with Mandy who first inspired her own blended family of 6 children to be themselves and then applied her natural skill to her school of students where she now encourages her pupils to be all they were born to be!
At the beginning, she only had a parent's point of view of how to run a school and be with the children and parents. Having had no formal training she continued to navigate the last 10 years, not as a principal but as a mom and fondly refers to herself as a ‘Professional Mom’.
“I develop relationships with my students and with their parents. Together we find the most realistic and personal journey for each individual child. I now have a self-appointed MBWA degree - Management By Walking Around! It is a real skill to master! “
Listen as Mandy talks to us about parenting, being a mom and un-schooling in her unique way.
Take Away:
1. The benefits of self-defence for children.
2. Where to begin inspiring your child. 3. A way of being with your children beyond teens into adulthood."